The Spanish sound is very poetic, more so than French, the sounds are simpler than the English sounds.
A, ah (like cat)
B, beh (like bear but short)
C, ceh (like thanks)
Ch, cheh (like church)
D, deh (like Dare)
E, eh (like bed)
H, ahcheh (like ha/chair but don’t pronounce the r)
I, ee (like be)
J, hotah (like hore-ta)
K, kah (like Captain)
L, ehleh (like Elephant)
Ll, ehyeh (like Aa-yee)
M, ehmeh (like em-meh)
N, ehneh (like en-neh)
ñ, eenyah (like en-yee)
O, oh (like bone)
P, peh (like pepper)
Q, coo (like Cool)
R, ehreh (like air-re)
R, ehrreh (like trill)
S, ehsey (like air-se), se like september)
T, teh (like Tettleys Tea)
U, oo (like uuuuh)
V, veh (like Uube)
W, doble u (like Uube double)
X , ekis (like air-kiss)
Y, ee griega (like ee-griii-ga)
Z, zetah (like theta)
Give them a try, Sing them from the rafters.... A, B, C.....
0 cero (ze-ro)
1 uno (un-no)
2 dos (doh-s)
3 tres (t-res), said fast.
4 cuatro (qua-t-troe)
5 cinco (thinn-ko)
6 seis (say-ss)
7 siete (sea-et-te)8 ocho (oh-choe)
10 diez (dee-ezz)
11 once (own-thair)
12 doce (doe-thair)
13 trece (tre-thair)
14 catorce (ca-tore-thair)
15 quince (kin-thair)
16 diecisies (dee-thee-say-ss)
17 diecisiete (dee-thee-sea-etty)
18 dieciocho (dee-thee-oh-choe)
19 diecinueve (dee-thee- new-ee-vey)
From twenty on words you put the twenty first and then add numbers 1 to 9.
20 veinte (ven-tey)
22 (ven-tea-doh-s)
32 (tren-te-dose)
40 cuarenta (quar-en-ta)
42 (quar-en-ta-doh-ss)
50 cincuenta (cin-cue-enta)
52 (cin-cue-enta-doh-ss)
60 sesenta (se-sen-tah)
62 (se-sen-tah-doh-ss)
70 setenta (se-ten-tah)
72 (se-ten-tah-doh-ss)
80 ochenta (oh-chen-tah)
82 (oh-chen-tah-doh-ss)
90 noventa (no-ven-tah)
92 (no-ven-tah-doh-ss)
100 cien (thee-eN) only for 100 exactly
101 cientouno (thee-eN-toe-uuh-no) and ciento for all others
200 doscientos (dos cie-eN-toh-se)
300 trescientos
400 cuatrocientos
500 quinientos
600 seiscientos
700 sietecientos
800 ochocientos
900 nuevecientos, etc etc
1,000 mil (m-ill)
2,000 dos mil
3,000 tres mil, etc etc
Pluck your lips together and go for it. Make firm fluent sounds...
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