3 month Online courses

Rocket Spanish Review

Rocket Spanish is the standout winner in my opinion. It combines both audio lessons with interactive computer games. Strangely enough, it is also the cheapest option. Fortunately, this is one case where "you get what you pay for" simply doesn't hold true. The audio lessons really focus on building your ability to actually speak the language and they do it in a way that's both interesting and efficient. Theres no learning useless, boring phrases here.
The computer games also make it a fun and easy way to build vocabulary, learn your verbs and improve your verbal recognition skills.
Of course, for those of you who just love grammar, there is plenty of information regarding some of the more technical aspects of Spanish.
I really can't recommend Rocket Spanish any stronger, if you want to take your Spanish to the next level, then go check out the site today. It's only available online and you can download it immediately.
Rating: 5/5

Visual Link Spanish Review

Visual Link Spanish is as good or better then Rocket Spanish depending on your learning style. This product bases its entire program around learning to "speak" Spanish. They do not overwhelm you with a bunch of grammar rules or vocabulary - from lesson one Visual Link Spanish teaches you how to ask and answer questions and carry on a complete Spanish conversation.
This product is comes with 2 CD-ROM's are fully interactive with fun games and entertaining lessons to expand your vocabulary easily and quickly. Another nice thing about Visual Link is their 10 audio CD's that follow the complete course step by step to salitify your knowlegde while you're on the go.
When most people ask me to recommend a single product, I have to explain to them its a toss up between Rocket Spanish and Visual Link Spanish - both are fabulous and both will teach you Spanish - they have two different learning styles - each one will work for different people. Visual Link Spanish has an online demo - click here to see if Visual Link Spanish will work for you.

Learn Spanish Like Crazy Review

This is a great product because it is quite comprehensive. There really is a lot of material to get through, apparently over 1000 hours.
Also, this product is 100% audio, so it could be a great choice if you like to learn Spanish while driving in your car. However, if you are the type of person who prefers to learn by reading as well, Rocket Spanish or Visual Link Spanish would be the choice for you.
When most people ask me to recommend a single product, I tell them to get Rocket Spanish or Visual Link Spanish depending on learning style and if they still have some extra cash to spend, Learn Spanish Like Crazy is also a good investment to expand vocabulary.

Pimsleur Spanish Review

The Pimsleur course was designed by Dr. Pimsleur quite a while ago and he's done a great job. In the full package, there is over 100 20-minute audio lessons. These will take you from novice to confident speaker in less than 3 months.
While it is a great program, the price tag reflects this - Pimsleur Spanish comes in at around 10 times the price of my top two picks. It may be able to teach you a lot of Spanish words, but I couldn't recommend this over our top three picks at such a price.
If you can afford to buy Pimsleurs package, I recommend that you buy all three online! This will help with the hefty bill.

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